Bucket Baths

Don't knock it till you've tried it Most Americans are used to their daily ablutions in a shower, whether it's a tub shower or a separate stall. For special occasions to relax or unwind, one might set up a bubble bath. And for the little ones, bath time in the tub is more like play time until they turn into wrinkled prunes. In India, it's a little different. Often times, people bathe using a bucket and smaller mug, the size of a measuring cup, while sitting on a stool. This blog entry won't get into the history of bucket baths, but only a high-level description of what it is. Taking a bucket bath vs. a shower isn't better or worse; as with everything I'm learning about India, it's just different and is valuable and valid all on its own. Many bathrooms in India will have their own individual water heater called a geyser (pronounced as geezer, as in 'an old geezer'). Instead of 40-60 gallon heater for a whole home, the geyser may be 10-25 liters...