Life is a funny thing

Exactly one year ago on August 31, 2022, I got news that would make most people devastated. We've all heard the news about layoffs from the big tech giants (and other companies too) and read so many LinkedIn posts of how folks were callously given their walking papers as they were laid off en masse. The uncertainty and anxiety was palpable, and I feel for them.

I too was unexpectedly given the news that my services were no longer needed. But for me it was a welcomed relief; I had to wait until after the Teams call to express my joy. I had been given a gift—a release from a job that would free me up to do something I wouldn't have been brave enough to do on my own.

So the significance is not lost on me that, on the 1-year anniversary of that last-minute 'hey, do you have a second' Teams call at the end of the workday, I'm getting on a plane to start a new adventure in a new land.  It's even more exciting that, on what would have been 15-year anniversary with my company, I'll be stepping into a new city that I'll be proud to call home for now.

In this blog I'll keep you posted on my adventures, my thoughts on things, travel/packing tips (which will actually be 'please don't do what I did'), and the entertaining stories of the inevitable foolishness and nonsense that will truly make you believe that truth can be stranger/weirder/more ridiculous than fiction when traveling abroad.

I hope you'll join me on my journey!


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